Can The 2020/2021 Olympics Be Saved?

Word has it that officials in Tokyo are seriously considering cancelling the Summer Olympics. The 2020 Summer games were originally postponed to Summer 2021 due to increasing COVID-19 cases around the world. Although there is now a vaccine, Tokyo is leaning towards cancelling the games because there is no clear end in sight for the ongoing pandemic.

Although Tokyo has yet to make it official and cancel the games, Florida has reportedly said that they would host the Olympics. The state cited last Summer's NBA Bubble as a reason as to why they could handle the games. Not to mention the variety of hotels and athletic venues already in place. Some might point to Florida's rising Coronavirus cases as to why the state shouldn't host the games, bubble or not.

With rumors swirling Olympic officials have said they are hoping for the games to go on as planned. For now it's a game of wait and see.

Picture via Getty Images

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