Salty's Shakedown

Tony Hawk is THAT DUDE

I grew up playing Tony Hawk Pro-Skater games. I played so much I went out and bought a skateboard. I quickly learned that skateboarding in real life was never going to be my thing. The point is, that's the impact Tony Hawk had and still has. He's one of those athletes that people not only love to watch/play as but emulate. Tony has been around for some time now and he seems to only get better with age. In the middle of quarantine this man re-released an updated version of the classic Tony Hawk Pro-Skater 1 and 2. It's been named one of the best games of 2020 and for yours truly it was a great way to pass the time when there was quite literally nothing else to do.

Yesterday a video appeared online of Mr. Hawk driving around to find skaters which he then asked to perform a "kickflip." Not only are these amatuere skaters suprised and honored by the presence of Tony, but they are more than excited to perform a trick Tony perfected in front of the man himself. It's like being on the receiving end of your favorite QB throwing a touchdown pass. *chefs kiss* Tony also surprised people with headphones, swag and skateboards after they showed him their trick. Because he is a skateboarder and the sport isn't the most popular I don't think Tony gets enough credit, not just for what he has done for the sport but the kind of athlete and role model he is. He is also a great follow on Twitter as he seems to have a weekly story in which people tell him he looks like Tony Hawk "that skater guy." Check out the heartwarming video below of the Hawk being THAT DUDE.

Leave the pregnant woman alone!

This past football season people loved hating on Brittany Matthews aka Patrick Mahomes' baby mama and future wife. The hate really ramped up when the Chiefs went down to Tampa Bay to play the Buccaneers in the Super Bowl.

Matthews tweets throughout the big game mostly consisted of cheating accusations towards the refs and the Bucs. As we all know the Chiefs suffered a fat loss, so naturally "fans" immediately piled on and threw all the shade they had at Brittany. Some went as far to look up old tweets of hers where she was praising Tom Brady. She is now getting hate because she was a Tom Brady Fan turned Chiefs fan??

Why do we find it necessary to dig up tweets from people's past? It's all too common now that when someone who is seemingly sitting on the top upsets even one person, their past is dug up and thrown back in their face. And let's get one thing straight in this situation here. There is nothing wrong with being a Brady fan. Heck, she might still be a Brady fan, just not when her soon to be husband is playing against him in the SUPER BOWL. Clearly she is just trying to have Patrick's back. If you don't like the way she is doing it, fine. But leave it at that, no need to stir things up. This young lady is about to have a baby. Let her focus on that.

I'm young, I get it

On Tuesday the nominees for the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame class were announced. It's quite the list and of the 16 nominees only 5-7 will actually make it in this year. Because Chris and Sam are so well versed in the music scene I asked for their opinion on the hall and the current nominees. They quickly found out I did not know who half of them were...make sure you give the Salty Shakedown from today a listen so you can get the full scoop.

Photo via Getty Images

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